‘Militaries, militias and unicorns: platform authoritarianism in Brazil’, de Bruno Cardoso e Nina Desgranges

Como dispositivos tecnológicos desenvolvidos no Norte Global são utilizados por vários atores sociais para produzir, ou reforçar, relações de poder e exploração que são características do Sul Global?

No novo artigo do LED, ‘Militaries, militias and unicorns: platform authoritarianism in Brazil’. publicado pela revista Cultures-Kairós, Bruno Cardoso (PPGSA/UFRJ) e Nina Desgranges (PPGSA/UFRJ) partem de etnografias sobre o funcionamento de um centro de comando e controle e de uma plataforma de delivery para responder esses questionamentos. O texto está disponível aqui: https://revues.mshparisnord.fr/cultureskairos/index.php?id=2013.

Resumo em inglês

The article presents two cases in which the appropriation of technological innovations leads to renewed economic and power relations, which in turn reinforce local transformation processes of governmental management and of barely-regularized economic activities. The workings of a command and control system in Rio de Janeiro and the delivery structure of a “food tech” company reinforce authoritarian or violent modes of operation, all the while enabling the development of illicit activities linked to the “militianization” of crime, as well as of security forces, of economic activities and of politics in present-day Brazil. Based on these cases, we present a discussion on a few specificities concerning the technological appropriation of certain devices in the Global South and its effects on the production of society and social relations.
