“Theorising social justice within the smart city: expanding urban paradigms by the notion of the right to the city”

O pesquisador do Jaracacalab, Tomás Donadio, publicou o artigo “Theorising social justice within the smart city: expanding urban paradigms by the notion of the right to the city” na revista Public Policy Portuguese Journal, da Universidade de Évora.

No artigo, o autor explora supostas mudanças de paradigma no tema das cidades inteligentes, argumentando que representam urbanizações arraigadas pela ideologia neoliberal e seus descontentamentos. Em contraste, o direito à cidade inteligente é fundado na justiça social, reunindo a participação democrática, redirecionando os resultados para as causas mais prementes e redistribuindo benefícios para cidadãos marginalizados através de lentes pós-coloniais e subalternas.

O artigo está disponível aqui: https://repositorio.ul.pt/bitstream/10451/57026/1/2023_Marques%2C%20Tulumello_PPPJ_issue.pdf#page=10

Abaixo o resumos em inglês.


This essay explores the emergence of a supposed smart city paradigm shift, in which the new paradigm would be focused on solving social problems, in alternative to the previous, which concentrates on technology and economic growth. However, both paradigms have shortcomings by representing urbanizations which are entrenched with the neoliberal ideology and its discontents. In contrast, the right to the smart city is interpreted as an extension of the new paradigm, considering technology as a tool to achieve citizens’ needs and employing participatory processes, although incorporating a social justice element, thus, representing the establishment of an authentic paradigm shift. Highlighting the underlying challenges of actually existing smart cities, this essay proposes a theoretical framework founded on social justice, assembling democratic participation, redirecting outcomes to the most pressing causes and redistributing benefits to particular – marginalised and excluded, instead of generic, citizens. Therefore, it suggests a radical change of perspective in smart city studies, decentralising theory through a post-colonial and subaltern lens.
